Marketing Plan

#1IBM Mission Statement
 IBM examined its Core Values last year for the first time since the company was founded in 1911. It brought together "319,000 IBMers from around the world to engage in an open 'values jam'"discussion to let costumers decide IBM's value and promises to the client. In the end the IBMers decided that IBMs actions would be defined by three values :
  • Dedication to every client's success
  • Innovation that matters, for our company and for the world
  • Trust and personal responsibility in all relationships   
And so IBM had it's new Core Values to define their mission statement to the people.
IBM has been around for 100 years. So I can say it's hard to pinpoint their concept but IBM hasn't changed that much with time. They still do what they've been doing for 100 years except they've stepped up their game in a world that is literally consumed by technology and the better, fastest, smallest 'computer' in their hand. IBM started with manual punch in machines to accounting machines to typewriters. The list goes on and on to calculators, copiers, test scoring machines, phone systems in Europe, By the 60's IBM had entered the world of computers well the beginning of computers : they had started creating processors, Disk Drives, disk storage, file control. These things only had a few bits but it was a start. Soon enough IBM had series of tech coming out.Then recently came out with their supercomputer "Watson" named after the founder. I'm sure if I compare Apple to IBM then, They would be in the same boat; Being that every couple months Apple has a new product out to make life simpler, easy and just allow you to make time for fun instead of working all the time. IBM has mainly targeted business class people. Office workers who had to much paper work but with everything being go go go everyone is a market target for IBM because that really small microprocessor isn't for the 35 year old parents but instead for that 17 year old who needs enough RAM and speed to play all his computer games without the computer burning out. 
IBM targets education professionals, Industries, medicals/science, retail, Average document users, Banks and Space. IBM is so intuitive with the world around them I don't think there's anything they haven't tried to do. 
SWOT Analysis
IBM is one of the oldest and most profitable companies in the world worth $66 Billion.
IBM also employees 400,000 people
In 1945 they were the first company to establish dedicated research labs for the creation of technological innovation, which lead to the creation of computers, voice recognition software and products that assist those working in medicine and radiology. Which is used now everyday and made the world a little better, easier to live in.
IBM has been one of the top ten brand names recognized in the past 20 years and has been around for over 100 years
 Due to IBMs vast size it can make it hard for costumers to find the necessary help they actually need.
Since the 2008 recession IBM has lost money just like everyone in America but they have shipped more and more jobs to foreign countries to spend less. IBM also has to struggle with language barriers since IBM is well connected in all four corners of the earth.
IBM is well known to older clients/Costumers but they can create a new logo like Apple has done through the years even though it's not as old as IBM. Apple never changed it's iconic apple but they did push out their products into the market hard so everyone could see what they had accomplished where as IBM only introduces to those who constantly keep up to date with the company's progress. Apple's the type of company that creates and lets the costumer come to them; IBM could take some notes on it's very young competitor.
IBM depends on Microsoft OS, Microsoft isn't the only Operating system anymore. If IBM doesn't start to realize that Macs are paving a new and brighter road to the future it can cost IBM thousands in revenue lost if it hasn't already.

#3 Marketing Objectives
 The market is open to anyone but IBM markets mainly to businesses, banks and science which is good but they could widen they're horizon a bit...
1. IBM needs to market to the Y Generation. The generation who has thousands of students heading to college and need computers, netbooks , tablets to get work done and pass time with. This generation also includes adults in their 30s who grew up with computers and dial-up internet and would want nothing but to connect with the world a little easier and faster with a company they know their parents and grandparents trust because it's been around for years.
2. IBM has a whole generation of people that want to get acquainted with the technological life they've ignored for so long. Not just Baby-boomers but even new parents want to learn the fundamentals of a computer just to keep track of they're kids and keep them safe from online predators. There's a whole market out there that can make it easier then what it already is to learn how to operate a computer. 
3. IBM has this need to market just to businesses which is good, but the USA is in a recession, Greece is almost broke and businesses  just don't want to spend like they use to. Firms are a lot more careful on how they spend they're money. IBM should market to the average American family that might want a cheap desktop in the living room to stay in-touch with the world; or have a whole market devoted to what Hispanics refer to as the three Bs "Bueno, Bonito, Baratto" which translated means "Good,Pretty,Cheap". It would be what every average low-income family would want and need to live in today's society.
4. In times today no matter how much we know and have there's a percentage of people that want to help the planet. Its hard for a giant company to change materials they use but IBM should have a whole line of computers that devote to keeping the earth green. By using less chemicals which is what techs do every time they make a smaller chip and processor. IBMs "Green Line" would donate a percentage of proceeds to help endangered animals dying from global warming, It would also help the earth and animals if another incident like BP would ever happen again. This line would be marketed to the youth of the world that still believe they can make a difference in this world by helping out even if its as simple as buying a new laptop because its more 'efficient and consumes less power.'
5.In a world where everyone is so connected around the world with thousands of users on facebook everyday, hundreds of twitters IBM needs to open a market towards the social media. Anyone you can think of with a computer, Iphone, or Android is connected to a social media site. Social networks make the world a smaller place then what it already is because everyone sees the live tweets that come up if you have a twitter account and follow certain people. Everyone with a facebook can see what their friends like, what their friends are doing at the moment and today's world isnt like it was 40years ago that what happens stays home. In the 21st Century people have a need to connect with anyone that will listen to them. Yea IBM does have a few facebook pages dedicated to 'Products/service' named IBM Research and they're more like it for branches across the globe but doesn't IBM let their costumers know their involved spread a little online marketing and let people know their not just on or Wikipedia.
#4Retail Activity 
Data shows that in December 2010 compared to the same period in 2009, IBM's findings expanded on the company's earlier report that both Black Friday 2010 and Cyber Monday 2010 delivered strong double-digit growth over 2009.
Analysis of the online retail sector revealed that consumer spending increased with online sales. Consumer spending went up by almost 12 %.
Consumers continue to use mobile technology as a shopping tool. Throughout December, 5.6 % of all site visits were initiated from a mobile device, a 19 percent increase over November 2010. Further, 5.5 % of all online retail sales came from mobile devices, a 7 percent increase over November 2010. Mobile phones have made it easier for consumers to shop without dealing with the lines and angry crowds that come with the holiday shopping spree.
"Retailers did a tremendous job of enticing consumers to shop online with a variety of special promotions, guaranteed delivery dates, free or deeply discounted shipping, and up-to-date inventory information," said John Squire, chief strategy officer, IBM Coremetrics. "Consumers have come to value the ease and convenience of shopping whenever and wherever they please, and are increasingly turning to online sites to research and purchase a variety of products."

#5 IBM Ad
Be a part of the future
Be a part of Innovation...
Are you ready?

#6 Promotion
Get yours NOW! 

#7 IBM Communications
  1. Email: Save  NOW with this limited time offer. Get everything you  need with REAL TIME Software. HURRY! This deal won't last long. Click the link:  
  2. Facebook:  Join 'People for a Smarter Planet' with IBM to solve problems that will benefit Humanity. See how Social Technology is changing the future.
  3. YouTube:
  4. News: IBM research team has been developing a solution for superbugs using Nano-particles.

#8future for 2012

IBM has lotusphere coming to the public in Jan 2012 is an IBM software it delivers 'robust collaboration software that empowers people to connect, collaborate, and innovate while optimizing the way they work.' There's also IBM Connect, it'll work along with lotusphere. It'll discuss the why, what, and how of using social, mobile, and cloud technologies to meet common business challenges and to enable people to improve their business performance.
IBM has 2012 set out to join the rest of the world with social networking exclusively for businesses only AKA 'Social Business.'
#9 Long Term Strategy
IBM has had a successful year with the global smart planet and entering 2012 with innovative software that will reform the way companies do business in the growing social world we live in now. I would continue this stride along with looking forward to whats to come after social networks. Along with how to successfully expand 'Smarter Planet' so that everyone and every household is aware what's to be excepted as cities become cleaner & greener. IBM discovered a superbug earlier in the year and IBM may be for corporations but I can see them innovating the world of medicine with better safer tools for the future.