Friday, September 30, 2011

Chapt 5 Developing A Global Vision

Global Marketing can be seen good & bad. Guess it depends on who's prospective your looking at it from. Most b usinesses perfer going over seize for cheap labor. In the Textbook IBM is marked #2 in best global brands. Being that IBM has been around for a 100 years it has had the opportunity to grow and aspire in the market. When IBM started there wasnt such a thing as Global Marketing; Your employees were Americans but when Global Marketing became the new thing they expanded BIG. IBM literally has an office almost everywhere around the globe, from Afghanistan to Zambia. In one perspective IBM has basically helped a little of everyone around the world to aspire, and has created jobs and opporunities for a lot of people.
Job growth worldwide
IBM has a new vision/Idea for the world : "Smarter Cities for Smarter Growths" the idea behind this is that each city can "optimize their systems for a talent-based economy". Updating the systems that only really calculate how much is owed and used can allow the city to use Instrumentation that enables cities to gather more high-quality data in less time than ever before. Like, utility meters and sensors that monitor the capacity of the power generation network can be used to continually gather data on supply and demand of electricity, The low cost of existing devices and sensors, like gas, electricity and water meters, offer the ability to measure, sense and understand the exact condition of virtually anything. Added new sensors and devices that offer further data gathering possibilities. This can improve library services to maintain sewerage systems.
3 ways we can make our cities smarter
The plan would allow cities to better plan for future events and prepare better. The best part of the plan is that it can work anywhere around the world considering all large cities really don't have that many differences except for  locations and how much they actually consume.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Chapt 4 Market Enviorment

Marketing Environment: Refers to all of the forces outside of marketing that affect marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers. The market environment consists of both the macro-environment and the micro-environment. In short words its how businesses keep up with the unexpected turns that can't be controlled. From inflation,  to America's increase in Hispanics over the next 30 years. Companies have to try to keep ahead of the game, Including Innovated  corporations. IBM ranks in the top ten most innovative companies.

Craig Hayman, General Manager of Industry Solutions at IBM Software, talks about IBM’s study “The State of Marketing 2011,” The survey shows that while technology is booming; from email to social networks and mobile media  has opened up many more possibilities for communicating with customers, it has also led to confusion and information overload for the costumer. "Marketers need better analytic tools to turn data into action overall and particularly in social media for which being there simply isn’t enough to win friends and drive business results".

 In 2005 IBM prepared itself for new consulting services to help organizations prepare for the potential loss of highly valued skills and knowledge as the baby-boom generation reached retirement age. "The aging population will be one of the major social and business issues of the 21st Century, and companies worldwide are starting to examine what this means in terms of skills, knowledge, and growth" said Mary Sue Rogers, global leader, IBM Business Consulting Services. At that time it was estimated that by 2010, the number of workers between ages 45-54 would grow by 21 percent, the number of 55-64 year old would expand by 52 percent, and the number of 35-44 year old would decline by 10 percent.Even though it is said that Generation Y that ranges from people born from 1979 to 1994 was suppose to be smaller then the baby boomer cohort (Pg42 of MRKTG5) but it surpassed due to immigration.
The prime rule of marketing is that everyone's a target for their business: Big, small, Old, infants... IBM doesn't really market to infants but it does target widely.

In April 2011 IBM developed a tiny bug that shows promise as a weapon against dangerous super-bugs that have become resistant to antibiotics. In this day and age EVERYONE worries about their health. The tiny bug is remarkable and if it succedes it will open doors to a whole new way of medicine.
*WSJ video of tiny bug*

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chap.3 Ethics & Social Responsibility

2/7/2011 Ranked #1
Any company has ethics and social responsibility, After all they are the untold rules that everyone usually go by.                   
 Top 500 Green Companies IBM ranked #3
 On February 7.2011 IBM was ranked one of the companies with the most ethical reputations. Companies were evaluated on waste management, products’ social utility, labor standards and human rights policy. The data aquired went back from 2002 to December 2010. It was also ranked third in the newsweeks' and eighth in Greenpeace.

These are some of IBM's ethics on privacy:
IBM collects and process' personal information fairly and lawfully;  
IBM will keep personal information as accurate, complete and up-to-date as is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed.  
IBM will make personal information available inside or outside IBM only in appropriate circumstances.  
IBM will implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard personal information and instruct third parties processing personal information on behalf of IBM, if any, to process it only in a manner that is consistent with processing it on IBM's behalf, and to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard the personal information.  
IBM will provide individuals with appropriate access to personal information about them.

IBM is global and also has ethics oversea
IBM Environmental Affairs:
IBM ranked #1 Overall
IBM Ranked #3
GreenPeace Ranked #7

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Chapter 2 Strategic Planning

On June 16, 2011 IBM turned 100 Years old.
IBM has been around since the the 19th century and is known for it's Innovations in technology through out the years from IBM's punch card machine that could multiply. To the first magnetic hard drive disk. To the "Watson" supercomputer. IBM has seen technology sore in America and has been there every step of the way. It's clear that IBM has had a good strategic plan; 100 years later it has been able to protect and grow it's resources. IBM continues to refresh itself over and over again to keep up with the times and needs of society.

IBM can be seen as a societal marketing orientated business: It not only "satisfies the costumer but also enhances individual's and societies long term best interest." IBM has made life a little easier for everyone in the 21st Century.